Many developers may face a big problem while dealing with JavaScript; it’s the problem of validating user input using REGULAR EXPRESSIONS
Here are simple steps to do so:
-First what is a regular expression?!
It’s a tool for performing pattern matches and it has to categories
1-literal syntax , it’s something like that
var reg = /pattern/<br />
2-Dynamic regular expression that can be done using the RegExp() constructor , it’s something like that
var reg = new RegExp("pattern") ;<br />
after we have got a regular expression we can use it any where
and here’s an example that may be helpful
-In this example we insure that the user enters 6 digits.
first i’ll construct an html form like that
<script type="text/javascript"></script>
<form name="iForm">
<input type="text" name="iText" />
<button onclick="validateInput();">Click Me</button>
and between the script tags we put our JavaScript code the will get the job done
function validateInput()
var reg = /^\d{6}$/
alert("Wrong input.....Please Enter Valid input !!!!")
Here i’ll reveal some mysterious about the previous expression
this means that it will start comparing from the first digit
means that it will do comparing for 6 digits
means that it must be 6 digits till the end of the input(actually $ means the end of the input)
here’s another trick if you want to validate email input from the user
we can do this with this function
function validateInput()
var reg = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/
alert("Wrong Email.....Please Enter Valid Email !!!!")
hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial :)