
كيف تجتاز فتره الاختبار بنجاح

بقالك كتير بتقدم على وظايف و انترفيوهات كتير و اخيرا ربنا وفقك و جالك ال job offer اللي كان نفسك فيه. في معظم الشركات بيبقي في فتره تجريبيه و دايما الناس بتبقي متوترة ازاي تعدي الفتره دي علي خير. خليني بس اقولك انك طالما عديت الانترفيوهات (بالذات لو كانت ال hiring process طويله) ف انت بنسبه كبيره عندك كل ال skills اللي هما بيدوروا عليها و اطمن ا...

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What is CI?

معظم الناس دايما هتسمع الكلمتين دول ورا بعض CI/CD. لدرجه ان ناس كتير ممكن تكون فاكره ان الاتنين حاجه واحده

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writing readable clean code

How many times did you work with a codebase which you did not write? How many times you were working on a codebase and a newly hired developer did not able to work on the same codebase with you?! (and you’ve got that comment “who’s the hell did write that code?! and it was you…it’s the very annoying situation”)

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How to build a queuing server

Today i’ll gonna talk about queuing server and how you can you it to optimize processing you big data. First i would like to start with defining the queuing process itself. queuing is putting jobs or processes in a queue and execute it when its ready for executing (depending upon its position in the queue). You may use for the jobs that takes lo...

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The missing art of exception handling

First I would like to start by a quote I’ve learnt from Dr.yasser farouk (one of the doctor I’m proud to learned from) ‘as a developer it’s a shame to let the OS throw your code out of CPU because of division by zero or array out of bounds’

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